How to Prepare a CDR Report and Get Maximum Points for Australian Immigration?

Australian Skilled Migration

How to Prepare a CDR Report and Get Maximum Points for Australian Immigration?

For a skilled engineer to migrate and work to Australia, a CDR report must be submitted to the Engineers Australia organization. Australia has the highest number of immigrants, and many engineers tend to apply for the General Skilled Migration visa every year. However, not every application will get a positive assessment from EA, the reason being a lack of higher points from Australian Immigration. The higher points you earn, the higher your chances will be of getting visa processing done.

There are various factors to acquire higher points from Australian Immigration, and we have discussed a few below. You must apply these points while writing a CDR report for engineers Australia so that your CDR becomes impressive and can fetch maximum points for Australian Immigration!

How to Get Maximum Points for Australian Immigration?

This is how you can make your CDR report impressive and gain higher points from Australian Immigration:

1. Refer to the MSA booklet

The first essential tip in writing an effective CDR is to understand the purpose of your report. Before starting with the CDR report, you should know that the CDR report comprises four essential components: Curriculum Vitae, Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, and Summary Statement.

Your CDR report should refer to the guidelines and the professional format suggested by the MSA booklet Engineers Australia. The finalized CDR should compile all four components, and all the details should be included in the report as directed by the EA.

2. Start With your CV/Resume

Your personal information consists of your CV/Resume, which should cover the details of your engineering qualification, work experience, and skills. The resume should be recent and should always be based on a professional template. It should cover around two pages with a word length of 600-800 words.

3. Updated CPD

A CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is a document that ensures that you continue to be proficient and competent in your engineering. The CPD page must elaborate on your profession, and the essential skills acquired to help you progress in your career. CPD must be in the list format and should not exceed one page. You must also include the essential details in your CPD, like the information about the title, venue, date, and location of your training.

4. Unique Career Episodes

Preparing a career episode on your own can be complex and time-consuming, especially for applicants who are less experienced with CDR report writing. Irrelevant career episodes are also the main reason for CDR rejection by Engineers Australia. So, you must ensure that you choose a relevant topic for your career episodes and present it in a well-written format.

Your career episode must present your greatest achievements and skills in the paper and with a length of a minimum of 1500-2500 words. If you are confused about writing the perfect career episodes, you can check for the engineers Australia CDR sample presented on our website.

5. Summary Statement

A summary statement in a CDR report is the last and most essential part of the report. It will be the first impression your evaluator will hold of you; hence, it must be influencing and smartly compile all the essential details. There should be just one summary statement for all three career episodes, and therefore it should be described in a clear and precise way so that your evaluator gets a good insight into you while reading it.

6. Plagiarism Free CDR Report

Plagiarism is one of the prior causes of CDR rejection by Engineers Australia. Often time applicants who are less familiar with the rules of EA make the mistake of copying and pasting the CDR sample content available on the books or the internet in their CDR report.

However, they quickly get caught as EA uses advanced tools to detect plagiarized content in your report. To get a higher point from Australian Immigration, your report needs to be 100% original and unique.

Many CDR samples are available on the best CDR writing sites online, but these are for reference purposes only. You can surely use those reports to grasp an idea about what a CDR should look like but while writing your own report, make sure you create a unique one based on your own qualifications and abilities. Sometimes, plagiarism can be accidental; in such cases, we recommend you use a free plagiarism detector tool to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

7. Revising and Reflecting

Once you complete writing your CDR report, sit down and revise your final report. Analyze the career episodes, corresponding summary statements, and the CPD and check whether the technical components are involved in the report or not. The CDR must be in the English language and ensure it is free from any grammatical and spelling errors.

8. Seek external help

CDR reports are prepared mainly by professional writers in engineering fields. The writers from genuine CDR writing organizations are well-experienced and can do wonders for your reports. The applicants less experienced in the CDR writing field can often make mistakes which can be a reason for CDR rejection. If you are hesitant about your CDR writing abilities, seek professional help from CDR report writers.


CDR skill assessment is established as one of Australia’s top CDR report sample providers. We are known to offer our clients the best CDR services through our highly skilled writing experts in engineering. On our website, you can find CDR samples for all the engineering disciplines, including the CDR sample for civil engineer pdf.

As Engineers Australia is strictly against plagiarism, make sure you use the available samples as a template and create one of your own. Choose us for high-quality services and 100% customer satisfaction.