Steps to write CDR for Engineering Professionals
Step - 1
Gather your information for Engineering Professionals:
Before you can start writing CDR for Engineering Professionals, you need to gather all of the information that you will need to include in your CDR. This includes your engineering skills, knowledge, and experience, as well as the details of three significant engineering projects that you have worked on.
Step - 2
Choose a structure:
The CDR for Engineering Professionals has three main sections: Summary Statement, Career Episodes, and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Once you have gathered your information, you need to choose a structure for your CDR that will allow you to effectively communicate your engineering skills, knowledge, and experience.
Step - 3
Write the Summary Statement for Engineering Professionals:
The Summary Statement is a brief overview of your Engineering Professionals skills, knowledge, and experience. It should be no more than 1,000 words long.
Step - 4
Write the Career Episodes for Engineering Professionals:
The Career Episodes are the most important part of the CDR for Engineering Professionals. They should describe three significant engineering projects that you have worked on. Each Career Episode should be no more than 2,500 words long.
Step - 5
Write the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Engineering Professionals:
The CPD section should describe your ongoing professional development activities. It should be no more than 1,000 words long.
Step - 6
Proofread your CDR for Engineering Professionals:
Once you have written your CDR for Engineering Professionals, it is important to proofread it carefully for errors.
Step - 7
Submit your CDR for Engineering Professionals:
Once your CDR for Engineering Professionals is complete, you can submit it to Engineers Australia for assessment.