Do’s and Don’ts for Preparing a CDR Report

Do's and don'ts while drafting CDR
Skill Assessment

Do’s and Don’ts for Preparing a CDR Report

Are you looking forward to migrating and working as a skilled engineer in Australia? You need to prepare a CDR report. A CDR is an important document required by Engineers Australia authorities for offering a skilled migration visa. 

It takes a lot of experience and knowledge to prepare a CDR and if you wish to prepare one, here are a few dos and don’ts to consider while writing a Competency Demonstration Report!

What Needs to be included in a CDR Report?

The CDR report covers all the necessary details on the competency elements gained by the applicant through their academics or on-job training. To get 100% approval from EA, your Engineering Australia CDR Report needs to be according to the specific rules and guidelines of the migration skill assessment booklet

As per suggested by the MSA booklet, below are the four primary documents required by EA:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume 
  • Three Career Episodes
  • Summary Statement 
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Engineers from all around the world prepare and apply for skilled migration visas. However, not everyone is going to get positive approval from Engineers Australia (EA). 

There are a lot of reasons why your CDR might get rejected in the first place but below are a few things that you can consider doing to maximize your chances of approval.

The dos for your CDR report

  • Choose the right ANZSCO code and the occupation list for the subject you are applying for.
  • Highlight your personal engineering details including your engineering qualifications, work experience, and technical skills roles followed by the roles and responsibilities on a well-formatted CV/Resume.
  • Provide a brief description of your courses, workshops, internships, and training that are relevant to your engineering career through the means of a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) report.
  • Choose unique and relevant topics for your three career episodes and present them in a well-written structure. Make sure the career episodes in your CDR report showcase how qualified you are for a skilled migration visa.
  • Provide a clear and precise analysis of your three career episodes in your summary statement. The Engineers Australia summary statement on your CDR report should be in a way that your assessor gets a good insight into you while reading it.
  • Use the proper English language (even better if you use Australian English) to prepare your CDR report and follow the guidelines suggested by MSA.
  • Use active voice to write your CDR. For example use sentences like “I conducted”, “I worked on” and so on while describing your work.
  • Ensure that your CDR report is original and 100% plagiarism free.

The don’ts for your CDR report:

  • Use of incorrect format or improper English language.
  • Irrelevant career episodes for Engineers Australia or career episodes copied from any other source
  • Use of unnecessary diagrams, graphs, or too vast technical terms
  • Not following the proper format and guidelines suggested by EA
  • Explaining your group’s achievements, instead of your own.
  • Using a different language other than English to write your CDR report.
  • Plagiarized content on your CDR report that is copied from the internet or any other source 

If you have no working experience, you can still prepare a CDR report. It is possible to prepare a CDR report with no previous experience and get a positive assessment from Engineers Australia.

Why Choose Professional Help?

Engineers who are less experienced with CDR report writing can make mistakes that can get their CDR rejected by Engineers Australia. In order to prepare a flawless CDR report and get a positive assessment from EA, engineers often seek guidance from professional CDR writing service providers. 

If you too want an experienced writer to prepare a CDR report for you, you can choose

CDR Skill Assessment is one of Australia’s top CDR Writing Services for Engineers Australia providers known to offer the best CDR services available through our highly skilled writers in engineering. 

Here are the benefits of choosing CDR Skill Assessment:

  • Cost-Effective Services
  • Free correction
  • Well-formatted CDR report
  • 100% original and plagiarism-free report.
  • 24/7 support system
  • On-time delivery

We can evaluate and assist you in your CDR report writing within the guidelines of Engineers Australia and provide the necessary editing and proofreading by our expert writers. Choose us for 100% satisfactory CDR results.