Everything you need to know about Engineers Australia Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

CDR Service

Everything you need to know about Engineers Australia Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

Unlock the key to a successful migration skills assessment with our in-depth guide on Everything You Need to Know About Engineers Australia Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Uncover expert insights, best practices, and essential tips to craft a compelling CDR that showcases your engineering expertise and paves the way for a thriving career in Australia.

What is a CDR report?

CDR is one of the most essential components of the Migration Skill Assessment for Engineers in Australia. CDR report is meant to depict your professional and academic work as per the criteria set by EA (Engineer Australia).

A perfect CDR report is composed of CDR activities, three career episodes, and a Summary statement that help to present your qualification and work experience in the engineering field. At the same time, your projects of engineering at a certain period. The relevant career episode is written within a 1000–2500-word limit. 

Requirements for CDR Report

  • Personal documents such as birth certificates, passports, and biodata
  • Evidence of competency in the English language
  • Educational qualification from an engineering background
  • Three career episodes
  • Summary Statements
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

What are the major reasons why CDR gets rejected?

Most beginners are not aware of the MSA guideline standard which is one of the main reasons for CDR rejection. A writer strictly needs to fulfill all CDR guidelines. The CDR report will be rejected if it is not drafted in accordance with Engineers Australia’s standards and requirements.

Besides the guideline applicant also make other mistakes while submitting CDR reports.

1. Two career episode reports from one project

In lack of projects, many applicants seem to generate two career episodes from the same project which lack completeness and clarity in the report, Although Engineer Australia asks you to explain one complete project.

2. Including group activity

CDR is meant to evaluate your individual skills rather than the people who work with you in the team, so the big problem in CDR reports is, that many applicants explain about their team members and how they deal with the particular project together. Consequently, write your report in the first person, emphasizing your own accomplishments rather than your team’s.

3. Plagiarized content

Unique content is the best way to get approval from EA, however, the applicant submitted plagiarized content intentionally or by mistake which might be the reason for their CDR rejection. 

4. CDR in a language other than English

You ensure that your all report must be written in English because EA only prefers CDR reports in English, so, all applicants need to check their reports if they have written them in other languages than English. 

5. Grammatical and spelling mistakes

Being professional you are always supposed to present error-free reports. Check all grammar and spelling mistakes in your documents, do proofreading, and provide a clear CDR report for evaluation.

What are the prices of CDR report creation?

The price of CDR report writing completely depends on what kind of package you go for and from where you are taking it. Normally the price starts from $550 to $2999. The price can be negotiated as per your demand and qualifications.

A complete CDR package includes:

  • CPD (Continuing Professional Development)
  • Plagiarism Report
  • Three Career Episodes
  • Summary Statement 

How can I prepare my CDR Report?

If you are thinking of being migrated to Australia, then the CDR report is the cornerstone for your Skilled Migration Application. It consists of you all academic and professional evidence which is written in the most acceptable format and for that, you must study the MSA handbook from Engineer Australia. There will be a high chance of CDR report rejection if you hadn’t fulfilled the criteria of EA, even though you are excellent in your academic and professional career.

Things to be considered while preparing the CDR report:

  1. Personal information
  2. Application information
  3. English language
  4. Education
  5. Skilled employment
  6. CDR report
  7. English translation documents

How do I write all three career episodes?

A career episode is used to present your competencies for the Engineering category to which you have applied. The report is made of unique personal content and required to add technical details to make it clearer and more professional. Writing a career episode report can be tricky for engineers who are not aware of the technical requirements. 

The best way to draft your Career Episode Report is by dividing it into three sections:

1. Background

Give the reader an idea about your target and work. The section should meet around 500 words to describe its major areas such as core engineering knowledge that matches the nominated position.

2. Personal Activities

This is the primary body which includes the subjects like purpose, issues, methodology, and a brief explanation of your motives. This section consists of 1000 words where you mostly concentrate on what you did and what your accomplishment till now.

3. Summary

Give a quick summary of your ability and commitments and how you performed to accomplish your goals. The rundown ought to be 50 to 100 words in length, and rapidly notice your general impression about the task or designing action you did.

What are the CDR report requirements?

CDR report requirement depends on which engineering career you have chosen as per your qualification. In your selected occupational categories, you must have related education, ability, expertise, and work experience. All your CDR reports need to follow all the instructions set by the Engineers Australia MSA booklet. 

Applicants must submit their professional experiences and put them on summary episodes. The ANZSCO society and graduate competency standards will be used to evaluate your report. The following are important requirements for a CDR report:

1. Personal information

  • 35mm*45mm passport-size photo
  • Identification ID i.e., the front page of your passport
  • Name change documents like marriage certificate
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • English language proficiency report

2. Application Information

You need to be sure about your engineering profession and on which you want to pursue your career. Then register in your chosen field by showing proof of your work.

3. Education

During the submission of your application, you need to come up with your all academic and transcript documentation. If you are enrolled in continuing education, please include your enrollment letter and transcripts.

4. Skilled Employment

Applicants must need to present their reference letter of his/her career episode which is based on their professional engineering expertise. 

5. CDR Report

There are three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, and a Summary Statement in this category.

  • The tabular format to present CDP is the most effective and is clear to the reader. The table will provide quick information about your official post-graduate studies, seminars, conferences, and so on.
  • Present your specific experience in your engineering period.
  • Prepare a summary statement to give an overall view of all three career episodes.

How much time is required to write CDR report?

The CDR report writing is depending on three different factors:

  • Quality of your project report
  • Documentation such as a proper resume, a CPD report, and career episodes along with the summary statement.
  • To write up from a professional writer it would take 2-4 weeks on average.

What is the Format of CDR report writing?

To write up the perfect CDR report you need to follow the proper guidelines and need to study the changes made to those guidelines over the years. 

  • Select the engineering career which suits your education, ability, expertise, and work experience.
  • Follow all instructions and advice mentioned in the Engineers Australia MSA booklet.
  • Do proper organization of all three career episodes to give a clear understanding of your work under the different periods of time. 
  • The term limits should be 1000-2500 words for the job sequence with standard writing and another writing style as per MSA booklet guidelines.
  • Write content showing your potential and your career competency in Australia.
  • Try to reflect on your role, responsibility, and contribution to a particular work/project, if you want to make it clearer then you can also add an organizational map.
  • While writing a report focus on showing your personal skill and knowledge to convince EA.

What are some tips to write a professional resume for a CDR report?

Have you known how significant a role your resume plays in the acceptance of your CDR report? It might look simple to many people but writing a resume in the right way is always challenging and pressurizing. To get Australian migration you need to submit an effective CV or resume. Basically, this CV demonstrates your skill, expertise, and your industrial abilities. If you are planning to apply for the Engineering Australia migration, then you need to ensure to submit a flawless CV/resume. 

What do you need to include on your CV?

Mention personal information

Depict your personal information through your CV. It consists of name, address, email, and phone number. Let your evaluator get familiar with your qualification, previous jobs/roles, and achievements to increase your chances of success. 

Highlight your professional career

You should write about your professional experience and achievement. Focus on the point which makes you more compatible compared to others in the crowd. 

Insert some keywords

Often the CV is checked and filtered by using a software system, therefore, you need to keep updated about those changes. You need to keep improving your engineering CV for Australia by adding all essential data. 

Provide academic information

Knowledge your evaluator about your academic qualification and how your goals can be achieved through it. list the courses that are relevant to your career which help to rank your CV. You can also add any kind of seminars or events you have attended regarding your career.

Be concise and transparent

Prioritize your information which increases your chance of acceptance. Writing too much unnecessary information degrades your resume quality. 

Appropriate details on the project list

Define your role in a particular project and what are your responsibilities to make that project happen. Make a list of projects where you have made a magnificent impact with your work,

Refer to the sample CV/Resume

You should review the many samples of resumes available prior to taking a competency exam. Using this method will certainly assist you in writing about yourself more officially. In applying for jobs within a specific profession, make sure your CV/Resume is aligned with that profession.

Assemble professionally

These are the things you need to consider when it comes to making your CV more appealing. First, and most importantly, it should appear professional. This job objective requires you to insist that your resume be completely accurate and understandable.

Basic layouts should also be maintained with as little white space as possible. These are thus the elements you need to address when writing your CV. A CV that is formatted and displayed correctly has the highest possibility of being accepted.

Use the correct language

Employers will be able to see your most important responsibilities, duties, and abilities if you highlight them. Defining your objectives and vision by including a short work purpose at the beginning of your CV/Resume is also recommended. Each of these terms must be coherently explained in Australian English.

Include further details

Information such as residency status (visa category if required), language proficiency, computer proficiency (especially within engineering fields), community work, practice sessions attended, professional connections, and interests are critical. There is no need to provide private information like your birthdate, marital status, and the names and details of your children.

What are the requirements for CDR report writing service? Do I need to submit any documents?

Different credentials or documents which are important to assess your engineering degree through Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) are given below:

  • One Passport Size Photograph
  • Bio Page of Identity Proof
  • CV / Resume
  • IELTS Result Card
  • Three Career Episodes
  • Certificate of Degree
  • Certified Academic Transcripts
  • 3 Career Episodes
  • Continual Professional Development (CPD) Report
  • Summary Statement

Are there any rules set to write CDR that EA might approve?

If you see in the MSA booklet you will find certain rules that need to be followed while preparing the CDR report. So, yes there are the rules set to write CDR which EA highly considered at the time of approval.

Rules for writing CPD

  • Table format should be used while enlisting professional development-oriented activities.
  • All the regular activities including education, work experience, internship, training, and certifications must be included in a linear sequence based on the date of those activities.
  • Some informal activities like short courses and online training can be included.
  • It should not exceed one page.

Rules for writing Career Episode

  • The range of word count for each career episode must be between 1500 to 2500 words.
  • The emphasis in the career episode must be on the explanation of technical responsibilities (personal roles in the project) so that possession of engineering knowledge and skills can be seen from it.
  • The language, tense, and sentence structure must be clear, free of jargon, and to the point rather than unnecessary elaboration or repetition of similar statements.
  • The first-person narrative must be used during the CE.

Rules for writing Summary Statement

  • The summary statement is written in first person narrative just like the career episode.
  • Each competency element mentioned in the format must be addressed.
  • The word count in a single Summary Statement for a Career Episode should be more than 900 words.
  • Rather than copying all the words from career episodes, only a few sentences must be taken from it, and the rest of the things explained concisely.

How do I write a good CDR report to get maximum points for Australian immigration?

A CDR is not a document that the Department of Immigration views. The CDR is part of the Skill Assessment process that is reviewed by the folks at Engineers Australia or the Australian Computer Society. These Skill Assessment Authorities have become very good at picking up fraudulent documents and claims. 

Once they determine a person has submitted a fraudulent Skill Assessment – they do this by closely reviewing your claims and evidence – they provide your name to the Department of Immigration as a person of poor character.

In short, fraudsters subsequently find they are marked as dishonest and they are likely to be negatively assessed for any visa application they may subsequently make.

Is there a must for an immigration process for CDR report writing?

A competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is crucial for all non-Australian engineers (who do not have accreditation from the Dublin, Sydney, or Washington agreements) who want to migrate to Australia for a skilled migration visa. Engineers Australia is the authority that acquired the right to evaluate the engineering candidates’ competency. Therefore, CDR Report is written for an immigration process, and without an immigration process, CDR Report cannot be drafted.

Engineers Australia has stated some essential Guidelines in the MSA manual for CDR report preparation. Engineers have to apply those guidelines in the CDR writing process. If you are an engineer but a novice writer, you might make mistakes when preparing your report, minor errors in your Report result in CDR rejection.

So, to avoid CDR Rejection, you must hire professional writers from a reliable consultant. When you wish to choose the best steps for writing your CDR, you should go for consultants that meet Engineers Australia’s requirements. Remember, Professional writers must have an engineering background and have acquired several years of experience in the CDR writing profession.

Is it okay to hire an agency to write my CDR for an Australian Visa?

A competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is a report that appeared for each specialist who needs to move to Australia for work. The fundamental expert who looks at the report is the Organization of Specialists Australia and they must analyze the report according to the movement abilities evaluation.

It incorporates every one of the accomplishments and the reports you have gathered while your building with different necessities as well. On the inability to pass the prerequisites, you can’t matter for an additional 11 months. We should get profound into the theme Of competency exhibit report (CDR) for an Australian visa.

Who is required to present the CDR for the Visa?

  • Designers whose degree isn’t confirmed by nations like Dublin, Sydney, or Washington need to document CDR’s answer to the Foundation of Specialists Australia.
  • Architects whose capability date isn’t an appropriate match with the date of accreditation need to record CDR answers to the Foundation of Specialists Australia.
  • Designers who need to do courses not quite the same as their degree and need the judgment shouldn’t be done on their degree premise need to record CDR answer to the Foundation of Architects Australia.


What things are needed for the CDR report?

  • Updated resume attached with educational qualifications and documents related to it.
  • Passport and birth certificate.
  • IELTS result.
  • No objection certificate from the previous job.
  • Career episode.
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
  • Summary statement.


Can the same CDR topic be used for an assessment through Engineers Australia?

If you are asking that you can use someone else Projects in your own CDR report then, yes you can do that. But you can not copy the whole CDR as it will lead your CDR to be a plagiarized report and Engineers Australia will reject it.

You can check some of the most common mistakes engineers make that lead to their CDR getting rejected.


If you are asking that you can use the same project in all your career episodes then it is not possible as it is clearly mentioned in EA guidelines that you have to showcase your skills as an engineer in each career episode separately.

Hiring CDR writing experts from cdrskillassessment will surely help you to escape this issue and get a positive assessment from EA. As they offer project arrangement services to clients who do not have any project for their career episodes.

What is the best way to prepare a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for engineers migrating to Australia?

If you wish to work as an engineer in Australia, the CDR Report, or Competency Demonstration Report is a must-needed document. This is a type of career episode or summary statement that emphasizes your strengths and traits while highlighting your career and experience perspective.

According to Australian government regulations, every aspiring candidate from nations such as India, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and others must file this CDR report in order to be approved for work in Australia.

As a result, knowing every element of CDR writing services for engineers in Australia is essential. The main issue here is how to write a cdr for engineers in Australia. As a result, there are a number of organizations that can assist you with CDR reports like Cdrskillassessment.

Things to be considered while writing CDR Report for Engineers Australia:

There is a tremendous influx of people wishing to come to Australia in search of a better quality of life and work opportunities. Engineers make up the majority of them. Engineers and related services have a bright future in Australia.

However, before traveling to Australia in search of work, you must have your CDR writing services for engineers in Australia ready, as this is the fundamental document that the government needs in order to hire you.

Along with this CDR, there are other basic qualifications, like the level of English language that you can read, write, and speak. You should also check your engineering knowledge and experience.

You must be a graduate engineer or a postgraduate engineer from one of the universities listed on the Australian Government’s permitted list. Then you must demonstrate a specific area of expertise with which you wish to collaborate. After that, your CDR report will be considered by Engineers Australia.

However, one question remains unanswered: how to prepare a CDR for engineers in Australia. This is a question that you must answer for yourself, keeping in mind that your report must be original and free of any plagiarism. As a result, it is preferable to seek CDR assistance for engineers in Australia from experienced and skilled CDR Report writers.